Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mooooove Over!

Lately we have all been sick. Everyone's coughing and the boys are having trouble sleeping. So, Tuesday night, Quin wakes up at 2am screaming and I'm too tired (partly due to a Nyquil induced stupor) to make him stay in his crib. I bring him into my bed and let him pull my hair and kick Joe while we all try to get some rest. Eventually, he falls asleep and we have some peace. Until 5am. That's when Quin, 2 inches from my face, begins "moo-ing" at me! Over and over - mmmmmooooooooo mmmmmoooooooo - until I wake up and tell him its not time for farmyard animals, it's still time for sleepy nuh night. Then he gets up, straddles my chest, and starts jumping up and down! At this point Joe pipes in with a groggy "Quin, leave mama alone" but Quin doesn't care, he's having too much fun. And that was the beginning of my morning! I do have some new pictures, but I haven't gotten them off the camera yet so I'll post them when I get a chance.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Daddy's BDay

Here are some pictures from Daddy's birthday, courtesy of Grammie.
Who loves cake? Quin loves cake!

Baby Gym

When Grammie told me about taking Quin to the Baby Gym on Fridays, I had a vision of a bunch of toddlers lifting baby weights or doing a spin class on stationary tricycles. It turns out that its more like a baby/toddler amusement park. They even have their own roller coaster! She claims that Quin is very good about taking turns...I'm not sure that I believe her. I can picture Quin frantically signing "more" while shoving some poor 1 year old off the horsey. At any rate, being so good about keeping me updated about what his activities are during the day, she emailed me these pictures while I was still at work!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Firsts for TJ

First Bottle First Diaper Change
First Christmas
First Playoff Game
First Trip to the Hospital
He may look happy in these pictures, but this was taken in his hospital room during our second night there. I brought him in on Saturday morning because he was coughing and having trouble breathing. I figured I was just being overly-cautious but it turns out he had bronchiolitis (no idea if I spelled that correctly). He spent 2 nights in the hospital and is now feeling much better, although his little cough would break your heart! I, on the other hand, caught whatever he and the other little petri dishes on our floor had, and have been sick as a dog since we got home. Tristan got well, I got ill, go figure.

The nurses at the hospital were great, but there were some comical moments. My favorite is when the triage nurse was talking to me about his condition and trying to figure out how bad it was. She looked at me for a few moments and then very cautiously said "about his color...." I immediately jumped into my well rehearsed answer: "He's half African American, I'm him foster mom, we're in the process of adopting him, yada, yada, yada." She interrupted me, "I just needed to know if he was turning blue" "Oh," I said, "No, not blue, just black." Very PC, I'm sure.

But I'd have to say it was my roommate(s) more than anyone else who helped me through those 2 difficult nights at the hospital. Don't get me wrong, when I realized I had a roommate the spoiled brat in me was horrified. But, it turns out it was really much better to have someone else there with me going through the exact same thing. I had 2 different roommates and they were both easy going, had a good sense of humor, and they were as worried about their kids as I was about mine. And no one can understand what its like dealing with a sick infant as much as another mother. So, a big thank you to the moms of Ella Rose and Reagan. I hope they're feeling better, too.