Wednesday, May 7, 2008

No longer a newborn

My little bitty baby has definitly lost that newborn look. At 4 months he is wearing size 9 month clothes and sleeping through the night. The poor kid even slept through me taking pictures of him in the middle of the night with my flash!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The John Deere Exhibit

During school vacation week, we took a trip to the zoo. It was Quin, Tristan, Miss Kim, Ava, and me. Quin was very excited to see the giraffe and insisted that a giraffe says "eee eee" - no idea where that comes from. Squishy (AKA Tristan or TJ) enjoyed people watching. Here is Tristan with Miss Kim.
Quin enjoying a Capri Sun. They are a rare occurance in our house as the first thing he does is squeeze the pouch after I get the straw in.
What animal is Quin so interested in here? This is actually the John Deere exhibit, otherwise known as the "there are no animals here its just a truck so can we please move on" exhibit.

But no, we could not leave. It took A LOT of bribing to get him to move on! And here is Tristan being adorable and super well behaved.
Here is Quin in his Pablo safari hat from Grammie.

Here is Tristan at his very first feeding of solid food. As Quin would say "Mmmm, mummy!"