Monday, March 24, 2008


Easter morning began bright and early (6am) with both boys already in our bed. I got up with Quin and tried to distract him with iTunes while Joe and Tristan slept. Alas, I made the mistake of playing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song thus ensuring Quin would bolt for the living room. I momentarily thwarted him by closing the double doors but, as they are glass, he saw that there were presents in the other room and ran around the other way. He was so cute! As you can see, he loved his rocket and his chocolate car. At one point the other Easter baskets got in Rocket's flight path and had to be sacrificed for the good of the mission. Other than that, he was very well behaved while we waited for Daddy and Tristan to get up.

Later, we went to Aunt Linda's house and had an Easter Egg Hunt. Tristan also got his first tase of frosting, courtesy of Auntie Lissa.

Quin was miserable for the first hour or two due to an interupted nap, but he recovered well. By the end of the day he was smiling and even giving his baby brother kisses!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Eye Spy

My poor little guy had to go to the eye doctor Monday to see a retinal specialist. No major concerns, but, since he was born a little early and was oxygen deprived at first, they wanted to be sure that everything was OK. It was torture. He couldn't eat for 2 hours before the appointment and then it was an hour and a half before we could be seen because they had to put drops in and wait for his eyes to be dilated. Then, just when he was starving, they took him into the room and asked me to leave!!! It was terrible. They had to pry his eyes open and hold him down. I could hear the poor thing screaming from 2 waiting rooms away! Thankfully, it's over and his eyes are fine. An hour later, he was fed, happy, coo-ing away and smiling. I, on the other hand, was still upset about the whole thing until that night. Who am I kidding, I'm still upset about it! In other news, I have had a lovely woman from Early Intervention coming to teach me infant massage and, since I started giving him massages, he's been sleeping through the night! No lie, the very first night I did a massage before bed and he slept from 10pm to 6am. Now, I give him a bottle and a massage at 9:30, he's out by 10, and doesn't even stir until 6:30am. It's fabulous. I can't believe what a good baby he is! Now if I could get Quin to sit still for a massage...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Pictures of the Boys

Quin hopped up on the chair, grabbed Joe's Cadbury Egg, and helped himself while I was cleaning this weekend :)

I love this brave am I!
My son and his fabulous fashion sense...
Quin playing with Tristan under the gym...moments before he tried to smack him across the face!