Sunday, October 24, 2010

Holy Smoke!

Today we took both of the boys to church. I was inspired to take them by a conversation Quin and I had the other day. He informed me that the "castle" across the street was also a church. He can also recite the Our Father and has been asking a lot of questions so I figured I should get my act together. Anyway, we went and the church didn't collapse around us so I'd say it went well. Although, Quin and Tristan are not big fans of Communion since everyone gets a snack but them. TJ actually tried to grab the priests hand and Quin complained loudly about it being "unfair" and told me that when he got home he'd have his own communion. He also thinks the Holy Spirit is some sort of leprechaun. Ooops.

I'm amazed we even made it to mass considering the night we had last night. TJ started coughing around 11pm and it got so bad that I had to give him a nebulizer treatment. Then he was still having a lot of trouble so I decided to see if steam would help. I turned on the shower and while I was steaming one kid in the bathroom, the other kid started coughing. So, when TJ seemed to be doing better, I put him back to bed and brought Quin into the steam room. Once Quin was feeling better, I brought him to back bed and all was well...until the steam from the bathroom hit the smoke alarm and made it go off! This set off a chain reaction of events that would probably have been funny to me if it weren't my life. Quin yelled and covered his ears, Joe jumped up and, in a panic, couldn't shut the alarm off. Joe pulled the detector from the ceiling, which didn't help since we have a hard wired alarm that goes to a company that then called us. So, as Joe is trying to figure out what to say to the alarm company, Quin is demaning to know why we won't turn off the alarm. Joe finally gets the alarm off and then wants to know why the shower was on in the first place and why I didn't turn on the fan. Apparently he didn't notice that I had been tending to 2 sick children for the last 2 hours and assumed I was irresponsibly taking a late night shower! After I bit off his head, we made sure Quin was OK (he was highly amused and not at all frightened) and then checked on TJ. Out like a light. He hadn't even rolled over during all the commotion.  At this point Quin is wide awake and wants to play. Q:Can we be awake now? Me: No! It's 2 in the morning. Q: It's morning? Me: No. 2 in the morning isn't really morning. Can we talk about this later? Never a dull moment around here!

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